Part 110: Dight NPC Chatter 11
Welcome back!
There's a few short things that you can only see if you stop by to see Sue after beating the first Massacre Machine, but before picking up the Orb.
Ahh. The lizard isn't medicine, it's a snack.

: So...? Did you find the Teleportation Orb?

: Hey, just leave it to us! It's a piece of cake for us!

: Yeah... sure....
And that's that. Next up, we have both the Orb and Sue in tow.

: Yeah, sure it's OK.

: Thanks for your concern, though, mister. ♥

: So, it's great that you've recovered so quickly. Thanks to Dr. Alma, eh?
Datt is really obsessed with giving Sue some fish.

: Then you can eat some of the fish I catch. You'll be staying in Dight, eh?

: Uh, well, actually I....

: Yeah, what is it? You're looking so strange. Even stranger now! Yaaaaah, so straaaange! What's the matter, you don't wanna eat the fish I'm gonna catch?

: Oh, it's nothing! Of course, I'd love to. ♥

: Yeah, but I'm fine now! I can go anywhere now. Anywhere, like Parm for instance.

: Looks cook, huh? I guess he's got a lot of cool muscles, eh?
That... is not quite the word I'd use.

: And ol' Mr. Justin, too! I think ol' Mr. Justin looks so totally cool!

: Ol' Mr. Justin!?

: Ha ha ha! Ol' Mr. Justin, you're a middle-aged man now!

: Come on, knock it off, Feena.

: Listen, do me a favor and call me just "Justin", OK?

: Sure, OK. Just Justin... just Justin.... See ya, just Justin!

: Wait a second, that's not it!
Predictable, but it's just one of those silly things I can't help but smile at.

: Use the Teleportation Orb and it's OK, but otherwise, you should wait 'til the mermaid season's over.

: Hey, like I said, no problem! Nothing is impossible for an adventurer!

: Well, maybe so. They said it'd be impossible to stop the Typhoon Tower. Maybe you guys can do it, after all.

: It's an adventurer's job to make the impossible possible! Right, Feena?

: Thanks for your concern.

: It's just that adventures and danger go hand in hand!

: High-quality flying dragon oil. Once we coat our ship with that stuff, it'll stay afloat even in rough seas. That Gadwin, he knows everything about flying dragons. I'm sure he knows the best way to store dragon oil, too.

: Yes.

: Thanks for asking me. I was worried.
Crap. I can't remember if this is new or not.

: I sure hope we can get our old, worry-free lives back again. The men are out fishing vigorously and the women are busy drying food. It's nice to see everyone so busy.

: If the legend is true, then all you have to do is put the orb on the old teleportation gizmo at the bottom of the hill, and the gizmo'll send you wherever you want to go. To be honest, no one here has ever tried it out. You're the only ones who have wanted to go somewhere that way.

: Gadwin's waiting at the inn. We're going to Mysterious Vanishing HIll. Just the two of us.

: Mysterious Vanishing Hill...? That strange place by those ruins? Gadwin's over at the inn listening to a few traveler's tales. I may stop by to listen, too.

: Why don't we visit the mound, too? We'll wish that you and Sue and I can all go on an adventure together!

: That wish is sure to come true!
Truly, I don't know what I'd do without that particular observation.
And with that, we're almost done. Just need to get the dialog after Sue leaves, then the bits that change after you talk to Gadwin, and then after the fight with him.
Almost... almost there.